Traditional English Breakfast – a balanced meal? English breakfast includes a number of tasty elements that traditionally are cooked by frying, a process delivering maximum taste, but balanced with possible health consequences linked to over indulgence.

For people who are under weight or suffer low cholesterol, the traditional English fry-up including bacon, eggs, toast and a possible assortment of beans, tomato, chips, mushroom and other delicacies, there is little risk, but should diners be overweight or at jeopardy of elevated cholesterol, moderation is advised.

A national newspaper even describes the English Breakfast as the healthiest ever:


Thankfully, no study has suggested a single, glorious breakfast can prove fatal, so there is no reason to hesitate should your diet otherwise be prudent. Enjoy the breakfast of champions!

Cereal for Serial? All time success with podcasts

Few people plugged in to the global Internet would be unaware of the popular sound recording, or ‘pod-cast’ called “serial” that investigated the possible unsound conviction of a convicted murderer called Adnan Masud Syed.

The podcast has been confusing for many people who have sought the podcast with the search term “cereal”.

Here at the Breakfast Foods Council we support the calls for justice in Sarah Koenig’s work, and offer the link below for people searching for serial who end up here:

Serial (not cereal)